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Membrane Degasification

AMI membrane contactor degasifier systems use Liqui-Cel® microporous hollow fiber membranes to remove gases from liquids. During typical operation, liquid flows over the shellside (outside) of the hollow fibers while a vacuum is applied to the lumenside (inside) of the fibers. The dissolved gas is forced through the membrane pores and is carried away by the vacuum pump.

Membrane Contactors are used for degassing liquids around the world. They are widely used for O2 removal from water as well as CO2 removal from water. They have displaced the vacuum tower, forced draft deaerator, and oxygen scavengers around the world for over 20 years.

About AMI Degasifiers with Liqui-Cel® Membrane Contactors

AMI water degasifier systems use Liqui-Cel membrane contactors, leading gas transfer devices that have been used in many industries around the world for over 20 years. Carbon dioxide removal and deoxygenation are among the common applications. Capable of achieving <1ppm CO2 and <1ppb O2, AMI Water Degasifiers using Liqui-Cel membrane contactors provide significant benefits to industrial processes by removing gases from liquids. For example, carbon dioxide and oxygen removal can reduce the impact of corrosion on boilers and piping to protect captial investments and reduce operating costs. Removing these gases can also improve process efficiency and prevent negative impacts on production yields related to dissolved gases. Because of their cleanliness and predictability, Water Degasifier systems using Liqui-Cel Membrane Contactors are the standard degassing technology installed in ultrapure water systems for the semiconductor, microelectronics and many other industries.

Although other degassing technologies, such as vacuum towers and forced draft dearators have existed for many years, these older methods are being rapidly replaced by degasification systems using Liqui-Cel Membrane Contactors due to the smaller footprint, lower installation costs and the modular nature of the membrane contactor system.

How Water Degasifier Membrane Contactors Work

AMI Membrane Contactor Degasifier Membrane Cutaway

AMI water degasifiers use Liqui-Cel Membrane Contactors with a microporous hollow fiber membrane to remove gases from liquids. The hollow fiber is knitted into an array and wrapped around a center tube inside of the contacter housing.

During typical operation, liquid flows over the shellside (outside) of the hollow fibers while a vacuum is applied to the lumenside (inside) of the fibers. Because the membrane is hydrophobic it acts as an inert support that allows direct contact between a gas and liquid phase without dispersion. Applying a higher pressure to the liquid stream relative to the gas stream creates the driving force for dissolved gas in the liquid to pass through the membrane pores. The gas is carried away by the vacuum pump.


  • Modular design offers flexibility for meeting future capacity or tighter specification requirements
  • High inlet pressure and low pressure drop reduces the need for repressurization pumps
  • Maximized surface area/volume results in high performance and space efficiency
  • No chemical requirements make membrane contactor degasifier systems environmentally friendly and reduce chemical exposure to employees
  • Fast equilibrium means quick start-ups
  • Non-dispersive characteristics allow the system to be operated over a wide range of flow rates.
  • Simple operation means reduced instrumentation and maintenance costs.

Product Lines: Membrane Degasification


AMI membrane contactor degasifier systems use Liqui-Cel microporous hollow fiber membranes to remove gases from liquids. Learn More

Related Applications: Membrane Degasification

Beverage & Bottled Water

Water is the primary ingredient of all beverages, and water quality is a key factor in the quality of the beverages that are produced. High quality water is essential to achieving a consistently great tasting end product.

Applied Membranes has been part of the beverage industry for as long as we have been in business. AMI systems are currently producing water used in beverages world-wide, including many of the leading breweries, beverage and bottled water companies. Our list of successful installations includes PepsiCo, Coca Cola, Cott Beverage, Glanbia, Nestle, Sparkletts, Niagara Water, Stone Brewing, Anchor Brewing, Firestone Walker Brewery, Four Horsemen Brewery, Belching Beaver Brewery, Driftwood Brewery, Stateside Vodka, and many others world-wide.

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Boiler Feed Water

AMI Membrane has been designing systems for boiler feed water and power generation since 1983. Our expertise allows us to tailor water treatment systems designed to meet all of these water challenges as they apply to your specific application. AMI systems are operating in major power facilities world-wide, including: SDG&E San Diego Gas & Electric Company, General Motors, Cedar-Sinai, Bahamas Oil Refining Company, and many more.

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Pharmaceutical Water

Water is a critical ingredient in pharmaceutical products and important factor in operations such as formulation, rinsing, sanitizing and cleaning. It is critical to achieve a consistent and high-quality ultrapure water supply while meeting USP XXIII regulations.

AMI’s water treatment systems for the pharmaceutical industry are conservatively designed with efficiency and reliability as the primary focus. Our designs ensure long-term operation and lower operating costs.

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Semiconductor Rinse Water

Semiconductor chip manufacturing processes require ultrapure water at nearly every step. Treating raw water to the purity levels required in semiconductor manufacturing demands a robust sequence of advanced processes and water treatment technologies for removing contaminants, minerals, microorganisms, and trace organic and nonorganic chemicals, including other nanoscale particles. AMI systems for semiconductor rinse water are designed to produce ultrapure water (UPW) to be used in cleaning and etching processes and to wash and rinse semiconductor parts throughout the manufacturing cycle.

AMI has many ultrapure water treatment systems operating in the microelectronics and semiconductor industry worldwide. Our list of successful installations includes Hua Yue Microelectronics and many more.

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Ultrapure Water System for Microchip Manufacturing

Flow Rate (M³/Day) 1,635
Flow Rate (LPM) 1,136
Flow Rate (GPM) 300

AMI custom engineered water treatment system to supply ultrapure water for use in rinse water for microchip manufacturing in Hua Yue Microelectroni...

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