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Filter-Ag is a non-hydrous silicon dioxide media which can be used as highly efficient filter media for the reduction of suspended matter.

 Filter-Ag has many outstanding advantages over the more common granular filter medias used for suspended solids reduction. Its fractured edges and irregular surface provides a high surface area and complex flow path for efficient removal of suspended matter throughout the filter bed, typically reducing suspended solids down to the 20-40 micron range.

Filter-Ag's larger particle size creates less pressure loss through the filter and allows deeper sediment penetration into the bed for higher sediment loading and longer filter runs. This large and irregular shape prevents the screening and caking of sediment in the top several inches of the filter bed as happens in the typical sand filter, thus preventing a rapid buildup of headloss and blinding problems.

Filter-Ag's light weight means lower backwash rates and better bed expansion to release trapped sediment and rinse the filter media during the backwash cycle. This ideal combination of particle shape, size and density make it a good choice where quality water filtration and water conservation are important.

Filter-Ag Filter Model No.* Flow Rate** (gpm) Back Wash Flow
Volume of Resin (cu.ft.) Resin Tank
Fleck Valve In/Out Conn. Approx Ship Weight
5gpm/ft² 15gpm/ft² Filtration Media
Total (Incl. Underbed)
W-MA744 1 4 2.0 0.50 0.60 7×44 5600 ¾" 55
W-MA844 2 5 3.0 0.60 0.70 8×44 5600 ¾" 58
W-MA940 2 6 3.5 0.75 0.85 9×40 5600 ¾" 60
W-MA1054 2 7 4.0 1.25 1.45 10×54 5600 ¾" 85
W-MA1252 4 12 6.0 1.75 2.05 12×52 2510 1" 110
W-MA1354 4 14 7.0 2.00 2.30 13×54 2510 1" 140
W-MA1465 5 16 7.0 3.00 3.50 14×65 2510 1" 190
W-MA1665 7 21 15 3.50 4.00 16×65 2510 1" 235
W-MA2162 13 36 25 6.00 7.00 21×62 2850 1.5" 405
W-MA2472 15 47 35 8.00 10.0 24×72 2850 1.5" 635
W-MA3072 24 74 55 12.5 16.5 30×72 3150 2" 1,095
W-MA3672 35 95 75 17.0 22.0 36×72 3150 2" 1,395
W-MA4272 48 144 100 23.0 30.0 42×72 3900 3" 2,225
W-MA4872 60 180 100 30.0 43.6 48×72 3900 3" 3,425

Ordering Notes:

* Filter-Ag Sediment Backwash Filters are available with several options of valve voltages. Please add the appropriate voltage code to the end of the model when ordering.
110v/60Hz = 116 Example: W-MA744-116
220v/60Hz = 216 Example: W-MA744-216
220v/50Hz = 215 Example: W-MA744-215

**5 gpm per sq. ft. of media is the best design condition for filtration. For relatively clean water, you may go up to design criteria of 15 gpm per sq. ft. Backwash flow rate based on 25 psi pressure drop.

Skid mounting, control panel and custom sizes and configurations are available upon request.

Filter-Ag Backwash Filter with Optional SS Jacket

Skid Mounted Multi-Media Backwash Filters

Custom Industrial Media Installation

Filter-Ag Sediment Filter with Optional SS Jacket Skid Mounted Commercial Media Filter Custom Industrial Media Filter Installation

Filter-Ag is a highly efficient method for reducing dirt, silt, rust, and other suspended particles from a water stream with a filtration level of approximately 20 to 40 microns.

  • Protect downstream equipment and appliances
  • Less pressure loss than most other media filters
  • Light weight requires lower back-wash rates & reduces shipping costs
  • High service rates for lower equipment costs
  • High sediment reduction capacity for longer filter runs, with a substantial savings in backwash water & time out of service
  • High quality,  high capacity filter media, Classified by Underwriters Laboratories Inc.® in Accordance with Standard ANSI/NSF 61.
  • Fully automated with Pentair Fleck brand electromechanical control valve
  • High quality FRP/Composite Resin Tank, rated at 150 psi maximum operating pressure and 120°F maximum operating temperature.   (Optional stainless steel jackets are available for 9”-16” diameter tanks upon request.)
  • Filter-Ag Limits:   Maximum water temperature:  140°F/60°C
  • Backwash:  Time Clock Delayed (Metered, pressure-differential and PLC-controlled options are available upon request.)
  • Manufactured in our ISO 9001:2015 Certified Facilities
  • Backed by our Experienced Technical Support Staff

Filter-Ag Backwash Filters Manufactured at our ISO Certified Facility Member of the Water Quality Association Pentair Fleck Control Valve for Filter-Ag Backwash Filters

  • Removal of Sediment/Suspended Particles 
  • from a Water Stream
  • Whole-House Water Filtration
  • Water Filtration for Hotels, Spas, Resorts
  • Pretreatment to RO and other Water Treatment Systems
  • Beverage
  • Food Processing
  • Industrial Process Water
  • Wastewater Treatment
  • Labs
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Humidification
  • Misting
  • Rinse Water
  • Bottled Water
  • Ice Makers

Replacement Components

Optional Equipment: Stainless Steel Jackets (Add-On)

Stainless Steel Jackets are available for 9” to 16” Diameter Filter-Ag Sediment Filters.  To include a SS jacket with your Filter-Ag filter, please add the appropriate part number below to your RFQ or order.

Filter-Ag Backwash Filter with Optional SS Jacket

Model No. For Tank Size
A950-940 9" × 40"
A950-1054 10" × 54"
A950-1252 12" × 52"
A950-1354 13" × 54"
A950-1465 14" × 65"
A950-1665 16" × 65"

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